Sarah Cooper Serves A Pandemic Epoch Surrealist Comedy Piece with Personality and Catharsis . . . and guess what? Everything’s Fine. Not. Eat up, everybody.
Spoilers For: None. Safe for Searching. I think. I'm not actually sure what's up right now until after Tuesday.

SCROLL DOWN FOR THE FULL RECIPE. Perfect for your fall despair.
Sara Cooper: Everything’s Fine
The Daily Show MEETS The Exorcism MEETS I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson MEETS Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Creator: Sarah Cooper, famed for her comedy career on TikTok, writes and stars. Executive produced by Natasha Lyonne and Maya Rudolph.
Platform: A Netflix TV Special
Premiere: October 22nd, 2020
Premise: Have a democratic sludge mud bath with Donald Trump lip-syncing maverick Sarah Cooper, as she thoroughly explores the pandemic panic and all the racial, social, and emotional fallout therein with a star-studded swinging good cast and a blisteringly honest portrait of the ennui we are now forced to live with and challenged to laugh at.
Dark humor, confusing exaggerations, and vivified public panic attacks abound. Yummy hum-drummy funny.
Signature Sting Rating:
⅘ tentacles

Photo Credit:
Sarah Cooper’s Rec-ipe for the Existential Dread of Election Days
You need:
-A crock pot
-An internalized horror stew of COVID-19, election, and general anxiety
-A need to work some trauma out
-No allergies to dark comedy
Fill the crockpot with your own horror stew and cook on low for five hours, stirring occasionally.
Turn on Sarah Cooper: Everything’s Fine and add each ingredient to your crockpot:
-One organic, overcommitted character actress
-Aubrey Plaza on QAnon QVC
-3 Tiny Playing Cards from a Close-Up Magic Parking Lot Show
-1/2 of a trailer for Jordan Peele’s new totally intense project Mar-a-Lago
-Fred Armisen in 7 different P.P.E. ensembles that would induce pride in Lady Gaga
-Winona Ryder as the death of our innocence in 2016
-Jane Lynch as EveryKaren
-an All-Spice 5 Day Apocalyptic Weather Forecast led by Maya Rudolph
-3+ Fire Tornadoes
-John Hamm as a pillow entrepreneur/vaccine developer
-Helen Mirren as a despicable piece of shit
Optional: Your own shamelessly cathartic emotional breakdown, alongside the juicy, gross, off-exactly-on-oh-no-please-stop-thank-you total breakdown Cooper herself serves.
Keep stirring, freeze and eat later. Servings continuously replenish themselves.